Praise or Grumble

Praise or Grumble

To set out the approach of Lets Inspire in relation to recording, responding to and reviewing comments and complaints.

A comment is an expression of someone’s thoughts or ideas. Comments can be areas of improvement or positive, and can be expressed as requests, observations, constructive criticisms or feelings. 

A complaint is a formal expression of dissatisfaction or unhappiness in relation to: 

• An experience of services (such as the quality or range of services we provide, our external relationships and partnerships, staff conduct, Lets Inspire’s ethos and our decision-making processes).
• The decisions taken by staff (such as those related to referrals and the provision of services).

Complaints info complaints form

Praise or Grumble 

We want to learn

We want to grow

We want to share good practice 

We want to know 

Aims and Principles

1. Lets Inspire is committed to reviewing and improving services to meet the needs of children and families. 

2. Lets Inspire is accountable and open organisation and view comments and complaints as a useful feedback tool.

3. Lets Inspire is fully committed to the provisions of the Equality Act 2010 and as part of this commitment seeks to enable staff, clients and other stakeholders to express any concerns felt about perceived shortcomings in meeting these provisions. 

4. Lets Inspire is committed to providing the highest standard of services and to learning from mistakes when standards fall short of this.

5. Lets Inspire will deal with complaints as quickly as possible and will provide clear feedback to people who wish to complain.

6. Lets Inspire will maintain the confidentiality of people who wish to complain as far as is practicable when dealing with the complaint.

7. Lets Inspire is committed to positive partnership working.

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